Streamline Mental Health documentation with AI-powered DAP note templates.
Tailor the DAP note templates to fit your needs, ensuring a personalized and efficient documentation process. Ensure precise and consistent documentation across all sessions with our intelligent shorthand conversion system.
Generate DAP Note template without any Protected Health Identifiers (PHI). Our systems produce DAP Note accurate and consistent templates without any PHIs in them.
Our AI-powered DAP note generator streamlines the documentation process, turning shorthand notes into structured DAP note templates quickly, giving you more time for client care.
For example,
CC: 32F, persistent sadness, ↓ motivation, sleep issues x 6 months.
HPI: Mood ↓ post-relationship breakup. Frequent crying, hopelessness, ↓ interest in past activities. No SI, but passive thoughts of not waking. ↓ Concentration, social withdrawal.
Past MH: GAD in college, no meds. Counseling x 6 months post-trauma (5 yrs ago).
Meds: No psych meds. Multivitamins, OTC sleep aids occasionally.
Social: Living alone post-breakup. Graphic designer. ↓ Social interactions, ↑ alcohol, no drugs.
Family: Mother: MDD. Uncle: Bipolar. No suicide/psychosis history.
Goals: Regain normalcy, ↑ sleep quality, coping strategies.
After entering your notes, click "Start Template and Generate Data"
Note: DAPNotes doesn't require any Protected Health Identifying information to generate a template for DAP documentation. So do not enter any such PHI information.
Edit the Subjective inline as per your needs. Once ready, repeat the steps to generate the Objective, Assessment and Plan. You can modify any section as per your case scenario.
AI assistant will use your changes to generate the final template. You can either copy it or download the template as a text file.
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